Thursday 19 April 2012

Day 51 of 90

My weight may not be changing much, but my body fat percent has dropped from 34% to 31.3% over the last few weeks.

Today's Workout: Workout 8

Is it just me or does it seem like this workout was harder than it was last time around?  Perhaps I was really working on my form, and pushing myself further.  I certainly found that my form was better in many of the moves.  I'm thinking about the bicycle kicks with the resistance cable - I had great form on that which was the first time ever!  For the weighted warrior 3's I also kept peeking in the mirror to make sure my leg was parallel to the ground.  Not easy!

By the end of the workout, I was soaked and a bit wobbly.  Excellent.

My thoughts are still with my mom, who has had a terribly bad week.  It turns out that the inflammation in her shoulder is actually some nerve damage stemming from her trapezium.  The pain comes in intense bursts and her medication does not seem to be helping.  The reason this happened to her was because she found it was very difficult for her to do push up and plank moves because of how weak her upper body is.  So, she figured she would use heavier weights to strengthen her upper body.  She ended up doing some damage last week and has now had to take the week off of exercising.

Look, we all want to look better and feel better.  And you may not realize it when you are doing it, but you know your body best, and need to be mindful of how much weight we are using and our form.  Too much weight and bad form can tear muscles and who knows how long you will be taken out.  Mom learned the lesson for us, just be mindful.

Weight update!!  I forgot to post this yesterday, but my weight was 170.5 yesterday morning, so that's a loss of 2 lbs from the week earlier.  I also took some measurements and they are all less than last time, but I am saving that for next weeks Phase II Results.  Stay tuned!

In terms of food, I could very well just copy and paste yesterday's meals into todays.  Breakfast and snacks were all the same as yesterday.  The difference lies in my lunch and dinner.  Total cals were bang on my requirements, and I still managed to sneak in some chocolate bunny.  Oh, I cannot wait for the chocolate to be out of this house!

Breakfast: Blueberry Banana Muffin and coffee
AM Snack: Mixed Berry Protein Shake
Lunch: Tomatoes on Garlic Rubbed Toast with a hard-boiled egg
PM Snack: Non fat latte with an Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Muffin
Dinner: homemade sloppy joes, one serving on a whole wheat kaiser; some easter bunny

Cardio 2 tomorrow.  Oh yes, let's do this!!

Nighty night,


  1. I'm so glad upping your calories is working for you. I really want it to work for personal reasons. Haha. I hope your mom feels better soon. That sounds awful.

  2. Congratulations on your loss! It sounds like you body is much happier within the new calorie range!
