Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Day 36 of 90

Completed every one of the push-ups with side planks.  I've got strength.

Today's Workout: Workout 5

Just as my daily inspiration says, I was able to do each of the push ups (military style) with side planks during the workout.  It is an amazing feeling to have your body do what you want it to, and that is very inspiring to me.  Workout 5 is not pretty.  Circuits 1 and 3 are the most difficult, and I had to push through it.  Moving from chest fly's with the cable into crab kicks is the most difficult circuit.  By the third time into it, it was such a challenge to keep my arms straight out at chest level.  I pushed it hard though, and completed it better than I had in any of the first two times.  I feel so good when that workout is done.  Good news is that I didn't swear during Circuit 3 this time ;)

I want to thank Catherine, ctminnesota and Gwenny61 for your comments.  You are right, it would be best for me to just continue eating at least a small nutritious dinner rather than skip it.  Binge eating is horrible, and it is something I fight with daily.  I will think of you all before I do it again; I am not alone in this, and only I can choose my foods.

Today was much better.  I had no serious cravings and did not binge.  I also drank water during the day.  It must be helping to fill my belly with water.  I also did choose an afternoon snack that was more satisfying (Banana Almond Smoothie) rather than something that is small (such as the Trail Mix).  And I topped it off with a latte that I could sip on.  Making good snack choices in the afternoon will carry me through the evening, I'm sure of it.

In terms of meals, I meant to have the Denver Omelet today, but we were in a rush since our car had to be brought to the garage and I had to carpool hubby to the office.  So instead of the omelet I had an Oatmeal Chocolate Chip muffin with my coffee (sorry Catherine!).

For lunch I had the last serving of the Meditterranean Tuna Wraps - still satisfying and tastes great!

Snack was the Banana Almond Smoothie and a non-fat latte.  William enjoyed a smoothie as well!

Dinner was off the menu, since we were at the other end of town, we went to a new sushi place.  They have tables which have grills right in the middle of the table.  So I was able to have some fresh grilled chicken and grilled vegetables.  I did splurge on some chocolate cake (2" cubed piece) but worked it into my daily calories and stopped after the piece.  Total cals for the day were 1440, and I hit all my water too.

I feel good about tomorrow :)  Workout 6!



  1. Yay for YOU!! Way to go on making great choices! Your food looks delicious (I absolutely love the tuna salad recipe & cannot wait to try the smoothie).

    And holy impressive, batman!! Way go rock those military-style push ups and side planks. You are indeed strong! Bravo.

  2. This is so weird, but I kind of like all the pushups and planks. They make me feel like a badass. haha! Great job!
