Today's Workout: Workout 4
I love Workout 4. It doesn't make me sweat too much, but I feel all my muscles working. Hardest part is the ups and downs with arms overhead, and the side squat. But it is definitely getting better (dare I say easier?). I only do this workout one more time, perhaps I should push the up button!
It's another warm day here, so William and I are going to go for a walk to the grocery store in a few minutes (with baby too). And tonight is our first night of playoffs in volleyball, so pumped for that! I feel so good when I play, and it helps that I love the women I play with. Such a diverse group of personalities, one can't help but have a great time.
Breakfast was (drumroll, please!) -- pumpkin cranberry muffin with a non-fat latte!! Surprise!
Calories = 351
William didn't want to have couscous and shrimp with me, so he got to eat a grilled cheese sandwich (with two slices of cheddar)... oh to eat like him! He'll be four in May, and yet still only weighs 34 lbs... I do what I can to get him to eat as much as possible, without allowing him nothing but cakes, donuts, cookies, etc. He still needs a balanced day. Here's a pic of him enjoying his lunch just before I sit down with mine.
He was also very helpful during exercises this morning, and he did a few of the moves with me. Always adding encouragement, he says "You're doing good mum". What a boy!
We're off to the store now. I'll update the rest of my meals later.
Have a fabulous one!
It's only 7:07 and I'm able to sit down and finish my post. Incredible! I leave for volleyball in about half an hour.
108 calories (apple and cheddar)
Dinner was a repeat of one I made earlier in the program, but I do like it - Barley Soup with Shiitake Mushrooms and Andouille. And it's one that the kids like too. For them, I toast some bread and add butter so that they have bread for dipping in the soup. I like the flavour of the soup, although I've been using pot barley rather than pearl barley which is 'chewier'. Other modifications include turkey sausage rather than Andouille, and I have no bay leaves to use. The turkey sausage appears to be less calories overall than andouille, so I did not change the calories. Soup = 377 cals.
The walk earlier in the day was nice. Strange to have it sunny when we still got rained on with no clouds overhead. It was a good hour of walking. All in all today was a very active day, I just hope I can keep my night cravings in check... I haven't had donuts or cake in five days! That's very good for me.
Let's do this, people, let's get fit and lose that extra weight. Stay focused on what matters and have a good rest of night. I'll see you tomorrow!
Great picture of William :)