Sunday, 25 February 2018

FHHM - Week 7 Update and Results

Woot! Woot! End of week seven!

This is great, but also sad.  It means that there is just one week left of the program (yay!) but also that I go back to work in a week (yikes!).  This brings to an end my very last parental leave.  I've loved staying at home with the kids.  It was challenging for the first eight months or so, but I've gotten the hang of it and I know I will miss the flexibility that it provides.  On the other hand, getting back to work will give me some much needed predictability in my life.  Kids just don't offer predictability. :)

Did I make this big mess?
Crazy hair day at school (Geoffrey, William)

The Workouts

Maddie not feeling well
Unfortunately, both Madeleine and I were sick with the flu this week.  It started on Monday, with fevers that didn't break until Wednesday.  I didn't notice having a fever, but I was hot and cold and not at all comfortable.  Needless to say that I didn't do any of the workouts except for an attempt at the 100 toes to head on Wednesday.  And, I would not be happy if I missed the weekly run trial, so on Saturday I completed the planned 10K, and it was awesome!  I was so close to talking myself out of it and am happy that I followed through.  In fact, I finished the run just eight seconds short of my previous 10K record!

The results of my first 10K since Feb 2016... so happy I did it!

The Food

Red Curry Chicken
My food was great this week.  I did not go off Keto, but I am definitely following the Keto diet and not the extreme diet.  I did try on Monday to go back to extreme but found myself too hungry, too cranky, and sick!  That doesn't work for me.  I need to feel satisfied by food, and eating this way satisfies me so I don't have those awful cravings and end up making poor choices (ie. binge-eating).

The photo here is of one of my favourite go-to dishes... Red Curry with Chicken!  It's served with cauliflower rice.  Since I can use coconut milk, it tastes just like the ones I enjoyed prior to the change in diet, just many fewer calories.  So yum!

The Results

Although I was sick, I didn't have a reduction in my appetite, I just felt unable to do the workouts.  It seemed to trigger my whoosh and I've lost a couple more pounds.  Finally!  It seemed like I was stalled for about four weeks.  With one week left to go, I won't get to the 175 that I wanted (would have been 25lbs lost in 8 weeks) but I do think I'll make it 180, making it a 20lb loss in just eight weeks.  Right now, I'm sitting at a loss of just over sixteen pounds in seven weeks.

The best part is that I do feel so great.  No cravings, lots of energy.  I've accomplished so much with the house getting it cleaned up before I go back to work. 

I'm really excited to finish this last week and to share my results with you.  Hope you all have a fantastic week ahead!

Nighty night,


Sunday, 18 February 2018

FHHM - Week 6 Update and Results

Here we are!  Six weeks in!  While I've been 100% (well, 90% their program plus my additional volleyball) I've been less than good on food and diet.  I just know I can do better!

I hope you all had a nice valentine's day with those you love. We made heart-shaped pancakes for the kids for dinner, and Madeleine has been exploring every nook and cranny of this old house.

Maddie exploring :)
The Workouts

The focus on this week was hill training. Specifically there were four days that had between five and ten hill sprints, with walking down to rest on all but the last day where it was a jog.  I finished those no problem. It was a rather enjoyable week for workouts.  That being said I did miss my workout (it was a hill sprint) on Wednesday, but I doubled-up the day after by completing the sprints and volleyball.

The 5K this week was excellent!

 Week 1 5K - 38:00
 Week 2 5K - 35:58
 Week 3 5K - 35:32 
 Week 4 5K - 34:50
 Week 5 5K - 35:50
 Week 6 5K - 34:46

It was my fastest one yet, even though it was outdoors and the paths and roads were still icy and snowy.  I really pushed hard on this one, broke it down into 1km runs and after each km walked until I felt ready to go again (usually about 45 - 60 seconds).  I hear that next week is a 10K, yikes!

The Food

What I really want to talk about here is the food.  Under this extreme plan, there was to be limited fat, low calorie, no eating after 6pm and certain foods not to be consumed after 2pm.  I've modified to just follow the Keto diet but I'm not sure I'm getting as good of results as I could have if I followed the extreme exclusively.  I'm a bit bummed about that so I am going to focus this week on following the plan as directed by Sharny and Julius for the next two weeks.  

I've been at a bit of a weight stall for the last few weeks, though it still amounts to 1 to 2lbs lost each week, I still think I can do better!

The Results

I'm really not very happy with my results but I know it's my own fault!  If I was on a maintenance plan I'd be fine, but I'm not.  I'm supposed to be working really hard at this, not taking it easy!  I'm still making progress, but I hope for even better results for next week.  Also, stay tuned for my upcoming 10K!  The last time I did one in 1:09 (hr:min).  I'm hoping to complete by 1:15... we'll see!

As always, thank you for the continued support.  Have an awesome week!


Sunday, 11 February 2018

FHHM - Week 5 Update and Results

Five weeks in already, hard to believe!  And now just three weeks away from my return to work. Yikes!

We had something of a cold or flu pass through the house this week.  William came home from school just after lunch on Tuesday; Isaac stayed home on Wednesday; and Geoffrey stayed home on Friday!  I'm grateful that I was able to stay home with them and not yet worry about juggling sick days while working.

Madeleine loves her red car

The Workouts

The family continues to be so supportive of my exercises! Even jumping in and doing them with me.

Monday had me complete 50 burpees.  While I tried to complete them all doing the standard unmodified version, I found I had to modify after the first 10.  To modify, I lowered myself to my knees and then moved into a pushup and back up again.  It took my about 8 minutes to complete them all.  Afterwards, Paul even decided to give it a go and completed five!

Tuesday was a circuit that consisted of 20 seconds pullups, 20 seconds squats and 20 seconds pushups, for a total of twelve rounds.  This was a nice workout to complete as each move can be modified to suit any athletic ability.  For the pullups, I used the overhang of the counter as my overhead and lifted my body up towards the counter.  For the pushups I completed them on my knees to modify.

Wednesday was a great workout!  It was a 1km time trial performed twice, with a ten minute stretch in between.  The goal was to improve the time between the two runs.  I completed the first km in 6:45 and the second one in 6:30.  This was done outdoors and the roads were quite snow-covered so I am happy with my results.

Thursday was my rest day but also my volleyball day.  The game was tough and we ended up losing in the fifth and final set.  What a game!

Friday was another double, starting with sprints (10 sec) followed by a 2 minute rest, for a total of 10 rounds.  I did this one outdoors again.  I found that it wasn't enough of a workout to just run hard for 10 seconds, so after the first three rounds I modified so that the first 2 minute rest was a jog/run and I rested after the second sprint.  This was much better for me and I enjoyed it.  The second part of the workout was playing at the playground with the kids, but with the weather all the structures are off limits and I didn't want to bring the kids to Cosmic adventures, so I passed on the second part of the workout.

Saturday was the 5K time trial!  This was the first time I completed in outdoors, again in the snow.  At one point I was able to run on some clear road which was so nice.  But for the most part it was in rough snow.  I thought my result were great considering the environment.

 Week 1 5K - 38:00  
 Week 2 5K - 35:58
 Week 3 5K - 35:32 
 Week 4 5K - 34:50
 Week 5 5K - 35:50

The Food

I've fallen into a yummy breakfast trap of bacon and eggs.  Some days I make a little omelet using fresh veggies and herbs that I have on hand, but most mornings I like the ease and quickness of good ol' bacon and eggs.
Leftover taco made into salad with chicken, yum!

I've tried a few new recipes from Suzanne Ryan's book, including alfredo broccoli with chicken.  So easy and very yummy.  On Tuesday this week I made tacos for the family.  I was able to enjoy my taco by making cheese taco shells.  Simply made, the only ingredient is grated cheddar.  I place little piles of the cheese onto parchment paper on a baking sheet and cook for 8 minutes or so at 400C.  Once they come out of the oven they are placed over the wooden handle of a spoon to cool into taco-shell shape.  They have a wonderful crunch and I didn't miss the regular taco at all.

Tonight, we're having some nice steaks with asparagus and I've made little individual cheesecakes for the family.  I love being able to share the food with the family and they seem to like it, too.

The Results

My weight is up a bit from last weeks results, however, when I look at the weekly averages I am consistently down 2 to 3 pounds on average so am not disappointed in this weeks results.  Progress is progress!  I certainly feel more toned and agile, and am continuing to lose inches.

Hope you all have a fantastic week ahead.  Looking forward to valentine's day, I hope you all get spoiled by those you love.


Sunday, 4 February 2018

FHHM - Week 4 Results (and Super Bowl Sunday!)

Happy Super Bowl!  I hope you are all taking some time out today to watch some of the game and get together with friends and family.  Or, like me, you are anticipating with dread the season finale of This is Us.  My tissue box is full and ready!

Week 4 was an awesome week for so many reasons. I love switching up the days and starting on Monday.  I love that I get to play volleyball on my mid-week rest day.  I'm beginning to get into a groove with the meal prep, and I still love the food!  We have keto chili in the crockpot now to be ready in time for the game. It's already starting to smell delish in here.

A couple of my favourite pics from this past week :)

Me and Maddie
Sweet William helping Maddie drive

The Workouts

This week the workouts were a great blend of running and strength training.  In fact, I didn't need to hit the gym at all this week since the workouts could be done at home or on my street.  The cold didn't seem to bother me much at all.

Monday's workout was a circuit of 400m runs followed by medicine ball squats, though I just did regular squats since I didn't have a medicine ball with me.  The circuit was done four times.

Tuesday was a bit less intense though more challenging. It was a circuit to be completed as many times as possible in 18 minutes.  The moves included squats, leg raises and pushups.  The challenge for me here was the leg raises.  This is where you lay on the floor with your arms overhead holding onto a piece of furniture for leverage, then you lift your legs from the floor to over your head, ideally having your feet touch the couch/bench.  This was a major ab workout!  (Funny side story to that: A few days after my abs were still feeling it.  I was helping Maddie walk in a new pair of shoes which made the most ridiculous sound when she walked I couldn't help laughing.  I laughed so much that I kept pulling an ab! Luckily Isaac was there to grab Maddie while I corrected myself).  I did complete the circuit 6 TIMES and had my wonderful family cheering me on while I did it.

Wednesday was back to a running circuit and it was HARD.  It was a cold -15C and snowing when I did this one.  I ran 200m up the road and back (making 400m total) then did the 30 swings (using a dumbbell) and 30 jumps up onto my front step.  Then I repeated this FOUR MORE TIMES.  It took me 32 minutes in all and was a great workout!

Thursday, rest day, I played a great game of volleyball with my lady friends.

Friday was a double workout day and I was able to space them out during the day.  The first part was a circuit that consisted of running only: 2 minutes run, 2 minutes walk.  This was to be done between 6 and 8 times in all (so total run of between 24 and 32 minutes).  I did the circuit 8 times and managed to run 4.11km in that time. It was a great outdoor run!

Finally, Saturday was my 5km time trial and I shaved another 40 seconds off my run!

 Week 1 5K - 38:00  Week 2 5K - 35:58
 Week 3 5K - 35:32
 Week 4 5K - 34:50

In all, the workouts this week were fabulous and I feel fabulous for completing them!

The Food

The whole family enjoyed the meals this week.  I made a variety of meal items from Suzanne Ryan's cookbook including chili and cauliflower bacon soup.  Paul jumped in and made some oven roasted chicken last night that was so juicy and tender.  I also learned to make little chocolate peanut butter balls that make a great sweet treat or afternoon snack.  In fact, one serving of these delightful bites is about 150 calories but is 2 chocolate balls.  And they are yummy!

I made chicken wings on Wednesday night.  These were made with butter, garlic and parmesan cheese and were so tasty.  In fact, Paul prefers the taste of them over regular bbq wings!

The Results

I tell you, I've never been so satisfied while also LOSING weight.  Keep in mind that I also increased my calories to about 1600 per day. So here it is, my end of week 4 (and halfway point) on the program.

Down another 3lbs this week and a few more inches all over.

I'm going to go ahead and enjoy this super bowl sunday with family.  I hope you all are making progress on your journeys as well.  Each day you make the choice to take a step in the direction towards your best self; the self you aim to be.  I wish you lots of luck and love!
